is Biologist research software


Geneious - Bioinformatics Software for Sequence alignment, sequence analysis, BLAST and more


Geneious Pro is an integrated bioinformatics software suite for manipulating, finding, sharing, and exploring biological data such as DNA sequences or proteins, phylogenies, 3D structure information, publications, etc. It features sequence alignment and phylogenetic analysis, contig assembly, primer design and restriction analysis, access to biological databases, BLAST, protein structure viewing, NCBI, EMBL, PubMed auto-find, and more. It even includes an API for creating your own plugins.

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Geneious comes in a basic version that is free for academic use, and a commercial Pro version with added features.

Popularity and awards[1]

According to its authors, in May 2007 Geneious had 50,000 users from 30 countries, and it has gathered attention on GenomeWeb, BioInform, Bio-IT World and bioinformatics blogs. It was also awarded the 2007 World Summit Award in the category e-science, and a 2007 Computerworld Excellence award for innovative use of ICT.

References [1]

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