In the past, lack of information and insufficient knowledge about how to use it has often led to imbalances in our society. Today, the internet and its rapidly increasing number of users has made information accessible for almost everybody, anywhere at any given time. However, it is becoming increasingly evident, that there is still a 'missing link' between the information available and how it is actually being used.

Instead of using such information to make our own decisions, it seems that in today's world, we are more and more obligated to delegate our power in decision making to others like parliaments, large firms, financial institutions and other organizations, which then in turn make decisions for us. Also, being heavily biased by constant campaigning and the unfiltered mass of information it is becoming increasingly hard for people to use the information available for their own decisions in their own and the society's best interest.

The current situation and the search for the "missing link" inspired us to develop a new platform, aiming to provide a better connection between the users and internet content. GLBrain gives users the opportunity to use create, structure and bundle internet content themselves, as well as making this information available to others in a very focused and direct fashion.

One of the key aspects distinguishing GLBrain from other internet platforms and social networks, is the ability to access and use information in a very private fashion, without being exposed to any sort of data filtering systems. GLBrain has implemented a section within their network called the MyBrain. This section allows the user to privately create and design his own user profile according to his ever changing needs and interest. The content of this specific section always remains private. Users will only be visible and can exclusively be approached as part of a statistic, indicating an overall group of interested users and their general demographics, never displaying their name, address or any other information contained in their MyBrain section. This way any use of information, advertising or campaigning is based solely on users total anonymity and actual interest defined by himself. Those advertising or campaigning can be sure to reach an interested and focused target group always respecting their anonymity.

This way GLBrain intends to better interconnect users and information people and business, business and politics, but most of all, people amongst each other. GLBrain offers a new and more structured way to use information, create and spread new ideas or to emphasize already existing information and facts. However, perhaps the most important characteristic of this network is giving users an easier and faster way to better handle their own issues as well as to get involved in global and local matters.

Taking into account the importance of social networks and their communication tools, GLBrain also provides the user with the most common communication tools including Friends and Followers as well as blogs, messaging and sharing systems, making it applicable for private as well as for professional use. With this and the many new created possibilities GLBrain aims to become the main Internet link for its users.

Developing GLBrain was inspired by the personal and professional life experiences of its creator. Based on this, over several countries a professional team of programmers, mathematicians, economists, lawyers, marketing specialists, graphic designers and network administrators was formed and together with them, GLBrain was developed and programmed.

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