is essential and thought-provoking interactive reading!


Essential Madness is the medicine of life. The “madness” ingredient is founded on the fact that most of you will probably consider a large proportion of this site’s content as “mad”. Essential... well, we feel that challenging the cultural and societal boundaries and norms are what keep us real.

This site contains articles, stories, blogs, personal accounts and discussions drawing out and highlighting some of society’s most ridiculous qualities. Our writers tackle what most journalists dare not document. If you want raw, politically incorrect, downright controversial and genuinely hilarious reading material, then Essential Madness is the place for you.

Our writers encourage you to challenge their opinions and will actively engage in conversation with you. All articles written on this site have comments enabled for registered users, as well as forums where users can begin their own discussions.

This site is opinion-based with the purpose of producing mature and stimulating debate. All feedback is welcomed and appreciated.

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