
Our Family Heritage. These pages are dedicated to my grandmother who dedicated her life to the pursuit of this thing we call "genealogy". I always promised to finish it for her. I hope you enjoy it. Researching your family tree is fun for the whole family. is an genealogy web site dedicated to personal heritage research. These pages trace back to 1415 England and 1626 Isle Madame, a island off the coast of Nova Scotia Canada written in English and French. Pages also contain popular hobbies like photography and gardening which all nicely nlink together.

Descendant pages trace back to *Myles Standish of the Mayflower and *Hatchville a village of Falmouth Cape Cod MA. Tells the story of how Cape Cod got it's name, who founded it and a personal connection with Hatchville and the family of Hatch.

To start your own research you should contact your oldest living relatives and ask them if they would like to talk about the “Good old days”. They love to talk about days gone by and of how things used to be. You will realize how much the world has already changed since you were young. You will start something that will bring to life history, and keep you busy for years to come.

This should inspire us to remember where we came from and grow from it. It encourages us to capture moments and treasure them. Our children and their child will someday care!

The lesson here, "for most of us pack-rats is that what the next generation will value most is not what we owned, but the evidence of who we were and the tales of how we loved. In the end, it's the family stories that are worth the storage". -Ellen Goodman, The Boston Globe.

  • Source Title: Myles Standish of the Mayflower and His Descendants for Five Generations.
  • Falmouth Historical Society and Hatch Genealogical Society

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