
CYFE-X - SAFE computer system forensics in the SW UK - computer investigations & data recovery, certified computer examinations (CCE) and system security (CISSP) investigating computer misuse, intellectual leakage, cybercrime, discovery of electronic evidence and retrieval of data and passwords. Covering Devon Cornwall and Somerset in England serving cients from private individuals to commercial and government organizations in the detection of computer crimes, where computers are used incidentally in commiting another crime, or are an essential part of the crime such as in the case of white collar crime. Forensics involving the analysis of email and internet activity and all data on the system including the deleted data. Using specialized hardware and software to uncover and reveal the clues left behind in the usage of computer systems to give timelines and analysis of data for either inculpatory or exculpatory activity and preserving the electronic evidence obtained.


  • Demonstrate commitment and diligence in performance of assigned duties. * Demonstrate integrity in completing professional assignments. * Maintain the utmost objectivity in all forensic examinations and accurately present findings. * Conduct examinations based on established, validated principles. * Abide by the highest moral and ethical standards and obey the by-laws of the ISFCE. * When conducting examinations, obtain evidence or other documentation that will establish a reasonable basis for any opinion rendered. *Testify truthfully in all matters before any board, court or proceeding. * Avoid any action that would appear to be a conflict of interest. * Comply with all legal orders of the courts. * Strive to maintain professionalism in assigned duties. * Thoroughly examine all evidence in a case unless the scope of the examination is limited by court order or other mandate.
  • Withhold any evidence that would tend to distort the truth. * Reveal any confidential matters or knowledge learned in an examination without an order from a court of competent jurisdiction or with the express permission of the client. * Express an opinion on the guilt or innocence of any party. * Engage in any unethical or illegal conduct. * Knowingly undertake an assignment beyond his/her skills. * Misrepresent training, credentials or association membership. * Show bias or prejudice in findings or examinations. * Exceed authorization in conducting examinations.

Protect society, the commonwealth, and the infrastructure. -Act honourably, honestly, justly, responsibly, and legally. -Provide diligent and competent service to principals. -Advance and protect the profession.



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