is THE place to go for all things wireless!

Buy cell phones, smart phones, cell phone accessories, unlocked phones, free cell phones with plan, and more at Countrywide Satellite.

What Is Countrywide Satellite?

Founded in 2010 by Doug Abney, Countrywide Satellite originally was just a Satellite TV authorized retailer, before expanding to include cellphones and accessories later that same year. In 2011 we again expanded to include tablets, prepaid phones, and discounted prepaid phone refills. And of course we are still a DISH network authorized retailer.

Our Goal

Our goal at Countrywide Satellite is to provide you, the consumer, affordable choices! Whether you are looking for the latest high end 4G smartphone, or just want a simple phone that works, we have what you are looking for! Want a 4G smartphone but don't want to sign a contract? We have 4G smartphones from MetroPCS that fit the bill! Are you looking to sign a new contract or upgrade your current one? Many of our latest smartphones are free to you when you sign a new contract with the carrier of your choice!

Home Phone Service

 We offer unique home phone service with the Verizon Home Phone Connect for only 19.99 a month!  No internet or broadband connection is required to sign up. 


At Countrywide Satellite, we believe knowledge is power! That is why when you connect with us on facebook or our blog, you will find informative articles and news of special promotions first!

Visit Us!

Countrywide Satellite

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