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Certification indicates that the license and insurance of this contractor were confirmed as valid on the certification date. Subsequent changes in a contractor’s licensing and insurance are certainly possible, and for this reason it is essential for you to verify a contractor’s license and insurance before signing a contract. Click for a full disclaimer. is the world’s most comprehensive and most researched online contractor directory. It features 1.2 million records of residential and commercial contractors across the USA, and over 25,000 registered Members. Homeowners can find local contractors in over 400 project-type categories, or submit their home improvement or home maintenance projects and have up to 4 local contractors contact them.

What makes unique is that we collect reviews and testimonials from homeowners who have dealt with our Member contractors, in order to give an accurate picture of the contractor’s performance to other homeowners looking to hire. Our site also features informative articles to help homeowners learn more about their home improvement projects, and other useful tips for hiring contractors.




240 S Broadway, Ste 207
Denver CO 80209 US



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