Title - Historic Photos of Cleveland

Description's prints are produced on durable high-quality semi-gloss photo paper, ready-to-frame and appropriate for any decoration requirement. Our prints are not mass-produced posters. They are made-to-order photographic prints, produced by one Cleveland's leading commercial photo labs.

We take great pains to find well-preserved original photos with good contrast and good focus to achieve the best possible photographic reproductions. Most of our photos, however, are quite old, and some do exhibit very minor imperfections due to age. We do our best to minimize these imperfections whenever possible. If you have questions about the quality of any of our prints, feel free to contact us. offers prints in 6 standard dimensions ranging from 11x14 up to 40x50. A print from will always have a trim size of exactly the dimensions you order (one of the 6 standard dimensions we offer). Whenever possible, we print our photos in "full frame," meaning that the subject matter of the photo completely fills up the entire area of the print, and bleeds off the edges of the paper, with no borders. However, not all of our photos possess exactly 8x10-ratio subject matter, which means that borders on two sides of the print may be necessary for some images. For example, to include all subject matter of a horizontally elongated image, it would be necessary to have borders above and below the image, but no border on the left and right. The borders are determined on a photo-by-photo basis to achieve the best results.

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Miller, Carl
Lakewood OH
United States 44107
(216) 521-0925



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