
Checkyourself | Info on Drugs and Alcohol | Teen Drug Site

Description is a unique resource. It’s a place for older teens to think in a focused way about their relationship with drugs and alcohol, and invites them to consider whether their substance use risks turning into a problem for them.

The site allows visitors to "look in the mirror" by answering quiz questions about their lifestyle, reading first-person stories, communicating with other teens, and playing decision games to see how they might act in situations involving drugs and alcohol. also gives teens a voice by allowing them to share their own “moments of truth” stories. Most importantly, visitors will be able to get factual answers to questions about substance abuse, learn how to talk about their concerns with people who can help them, and get information about counseling and treatment facilities. also offers stickers that can be downloaded and printed onto standard size sheets of labels and traditional banners for teens to use on web logs and other personal sites.

Support for the is provided from the Partnership for a Drug-Free America. The Partnership gives the factual information about drugs and alcohol and monitors postings to make sure they comply with the terms of use, but is designed to be a unique, evolving and independent resource where teens can communicate with and learn from each other.

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