The Caregiver Stress Management Cruises are escorted tours designed to provide rest and respite for weary caregivers. There are also (optional) educational components. During both cruises, there will be several one-hour presentations on Caregiver Stress Management Techniques. The information used for these presentations is geared towards the individual group members and varies based on group demographics. The onboard presenter is T. Patrick Toal, MSW. Patrick is a contributor to the book, /You Are One of Us/ by author Lisa Gwyther. He is also the co-author of /Pressure Points: Alzheimer's and Anger/ co-written by Lisa Gwyther, and Edna Ballard. Both are published by Duke University and are available for sale through The Duke Family Support Program. We also offer soft adventures like our Buddy Bombard Burgundy European Hot Air Balloon Tours and our Specialty Cruises to Alaska and South Africa and our scrapbooking cruises. You can also design your own adventure or cruise and we'll be glad to help with any aspects you deem prudent.

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