

Bumblebeez - Cheltenham Flower Delivery - Delivery from a Cheltenham Florist


Bumblebeez the florist

An established local florist with a wide-ranging and loyal customer base, Bumblebeez pride themselves in offering exception value, quality and service. Daily deliveries are made to homes and businesses in Gloucestershire, and national and international delivery can also be arranged. This website was relaunched in October 2003 and was instantly successful in helping people all across the country and the world send flowers to their nearest and dearest. Our redesign in August 2004 looks to build on that success and we will be introducing some great new features. In addition to our popular Cheltenham shop and this website, Bumblebeez offer a complete wedding flower arrangement service, and have helped make that memorable day a little more special with a variety of arrangements for brides and grooms across the country. To order online, choose from a category on the left. Alternatively telephone 01242 707 888 or email flowers@bumblebeez.co.uk to discuss your needs. If you would like to visit the shop, view our location page for a map.

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