
BigHeads Network


We access our vast network of the brightest minds from all different industries and areas (our “BigHeads”) to arm our client partners with the invaluable, yet often overlooked, inspiration and thinking they need to solve their innovation challenges.


Carlyn Kelly (EVP)

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We can tell you with 100% certainty that each and every time you set out to tackle a business or innovation challenge, there are at least TEN individuals who you should be talking to, but you’re not.

Who are they? They are bright minds from OUTSIDE (even unexpected) industries and areas who can arm you with invaluable insight and intelligence about new or unfamiliar areas you’re exploring…or provide you with inspiration, creative approaches and recommendations you never would have considered…or even show you technologies, approaches and tools from their area that can be repurposed to solve your challenge.

So when the time comes to rethink your retail strategy, you’re probably not including individuals like a tattoo artist (who creates eye-catching design), an Instagram maven (who instinctively knows what people will share), a tech entrepreneur (who can develop unique tech solutions) or a casino designer (who understands how to create engaging environments). BUT YOU SHOULD BE!

Or when the time comes to create a new tech solution, you’re probably not enlisting entrepreneurs from university innovation labs, accelerators and incubators who are creating technologies for all different areas/needs and working with them to find ways to reapply their tech back to your objective. BUT YOU SHOULD BE!

Of course, it’s not your fault that you don’t include these outsiders. They don’t enter your consideration set, because many of us have been programmed to rely on the same old sources/approaches for information, inspiration and ideas.

That's where we come in. We'll "fill in the gaps" of your innovation process by bringing you together with a hand-picked group (think tank) of bright minds and BIG thinkers from outside industries and areas, who we call “BigHeads.”

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