About Bcp-Energia.it
BCP Energy Ltd realized "Turnkey"for photovoltaic, solar thermal (hot water and heating), CHP, small wind turbines, promote the installation of solar panels on roofs of private homes, condominiums, commercial buildings and tourist use of the most advanced technologies available on the market.
BCP Energy Ltd supports clients in all stages of realizzazzione plant, from design to completion, printing using highly qualified staff and specialists through an extensive network of contacts within the national territory capce to cover any project requirement from the small private resort from small craft to large enterprises.
BCP srl energy supplies: feasibility studies, design, equipment installation, testing, grid connection and maintenance facility emergency.
'Soffer turnkey also provides access to the energy bill, state and regional contributions, the personal income tax deductions required by law and the demand for credit through access to products offered by lenders for specific use in solar photovoltaics.
BCP Energy Ltd is not limited to this but also offers its customers, post installation and service of "emergency" in case of failure or malfunction of the equipment installed.