Ayakulik River, Alaska, United States


Ayakulik River is a stream located in Kodiak Island county Alaska in the United States of America. It is at 57.1988889 latitude and -154.5361111 longitude. Ayakulik River is at an elevation of 26 ft (85 m). The USGS map that contains this location is titled "Karluk A-2".


heads in lake 11 mi. SSW of Karluk, flows S to Pacific Ocean 2 mi. SE of Ayakulik I., on W coast of Kodiak I. 28 miles long.


Aleut (?) name; published as "R(eka) Ayakulik" or "Ayakulik River," by Captain Tebenkov (1852, map 22), Imperial Russian Navy (IRN). Baker (1906, p. 110) wrote, among the local cannery men it is known as 'Red River' * * *." The name "R(eka) Krasnaya" meaning "Red River," was applied to a stream six miles NW of the mouth of the Ayakulik River, by Captain Tebenkov (1852, map 22), Imperial Russian Navy (IRN). See Red River.

Location Details

Type of Place:Stream
Elevation:26 ft / 85 m
County:Kodiak Island
USGS Map Name:Karluk A-2


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