ADHD Alternative Medicine: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a condition characterized by a short or poor attention span, inappropriate or impulsive behavior, and hyperactivity. ADHD usually affects school-aged children—some estimates say up to 10 percent of all children demonstrate symptoms—yet many children continue to have symptoms into adulthood.   ADHD symptoms include fidgeting, excessive talking, disregard of consequences, and an inability to concentrate. In adults, ADHD can result in poor work habits, impulsive choices in social situations, and a tendency to procrastinate. Adults with ADHD may worry excessively and have trouble managing the details of their lives.   ADHD is usually treated by conventional doctors with psychostimulant drugs such as amphetamines. But many ADHD patients experience negative side-effects with these powerful medications. ADHD can also be treated by homeopathic combinations and other natural remedies. Some naturopathic physicians specialize in the treatment of ADHD.   ADHD and chemicals   Many parents of ADHD children have found that a radical change in diet is very helpful. People of all ages with ADHD may benefit from a diet free of artificial chemicals, dyes, and preservatives (the Feingold diet), because a physical reaction to artificial substances may cause symptoms similar to ADHD, including agitation and loss of mental focus.   ADHD and the brain   ADHD does not affect intelligence, and many highly intelligent and successful people have this condition. ADHD is associated with increased learning disabilities that may make the school years difficult, compounded by the behavioral problems common to children with ADHD. Neurofeedback techniques can train people with ADHD to increase beta wave activity and decrease theta waves to heighten awareness. Individuals with ADHD may benefit from a more structured environment, or conversely, may function better in a more free learning environment—this varies from one individual to another. Many people with ADHD are highly creative and are happiest with a creative outlet such as music, art, or sports.   ADHD and motor skills   ADHD behavioral problems may be caused by poor motor skills and a poor innate sense of rhythm, according to one psychomotor ADHD theory. Children with ADHD who are trained to match the beat of a metronome with physical movements such as foot tapping often improve their behavior. This may explain why rhythmic activities such as sports and dancing also help calm ADHD symptoms.   ADHD and chiropractic care   Many people with ADHD benefit from chiropractic care. One theory is that improved energy circulation helps nourish muscles in ADHD patients. Some chiropractors also adjust the slightly-movable bony plates in the skull to relieve pressure there that might contribute to ADHD symptoms.   ADHD and nutrition   People with ADHD, even as adults, may not fall into regular eating patterns because of their inattention to detail. The Standard American Diet (SAD)—including fast food and processed foods—will not provide adequate nutrition for anyone, and people who have trouble coordinating their schedules may rely on fast food more often. Fast food and convenience food is often an impulse purchase, so people with impulse control problems may tend to eat this way more often. Excellent nutrition is especially important to keep the body supplied with all nutrients for smooth mental and physical functioning The emphasis should be on fresh produce, preferably organic, lean meats and whole grains.   Recommended minerals:  

Calcium: 500 to 1,000 mg daily (older women: 1,500 to 2,000 mg) Magnesium: 250 to 500 mg daily MSM: 1,000 mg, one to three times daily

  Recommended herbs:  

Bacopa extract: 100 mg daily Club moss (Huperzine A) Ginkgo biloba extract: 60 mg, one to three times daily Grape seed / green tea complex: 100 mg of each twice daily Phosphatidylserine (PS): 300 to 600 mg daily St. John's Wort / Phenol complex: 300 mg one or twice daily

  Foods to avoid:  

Dairy products Junk foods Refined carbohydrates

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