1und1.de is a German based internet & web hosting service provider
1&1 Internet AG - Produktübersicht
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- 1und1.de, das Portal für Produkte rund um das Internet. Webhosting, DSL, Broking und vieles mehr...
Deutsch (German)
- Elgendorfer Strasse 57
- D-56410 Montabaur GERMANY
- 1&1 Internet AG
- +49 2602 960, Fax: +49 721 91374 226
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Stay away from 1&1, don’t make our mistake!
My story in short (i can talk hours about it because i am furious!!! i’ll spare you with emotional details)
- November 20th 2007, we ask for the services of 1&1 - 3 weeks later a letter that asks us to be patient but does not say for how long
end of January, we receive a letter that asks us where in the house is our phone connection, we answer immediately
- Beginning of march, the Telecom technician comes and verify there is a line. - 1 week later a letter comes saying that the company who delivers the fritz-box could not deliver it cause the address was wrong (!) We give them again our address. (clearly we already received many letters and the technician came to our apartment in that exact address) - 1 week after the Fritz-box finally arrives. We follow the instructions.it does not work.(we try million times more, but nothing) The DSL signal is not arriving. - We call the technical support (40ct pro minute) and after a long wait they say a technician will call us and come to our house (if it is eventually our mistake, we pay) a day after he calls and ask: does your Internet work? we say: no. he said: ok i will call you soon. never called back. - we write an email. they answer that from what they know, everything should be working fine. so probably the modem is broken and they are sending another one. - The delivery company, again does not find us. - it takes 2 weeks to get the new modem. it does not work - today 31.03.2008 we are still not connected and still don’t have any good answers for that. We are also paying.
So please, if you only consider to have the non-service of 1&1 , don’t! and please, if you could translate this in German and post it in other relevant forums, i will be grateful!!
Angry and fed up, liat&carlo
- Hallo,
- ich habe in Deutschland folgende E-mai Adr. sie
z.Zt. arbeit ich hier in der Nordsee naehe Daenemark.
- Ich kann von hier aus meine Emails nicht abrufe. Teilen Sie mir bitte evtl. mit, wie das moeglich wird. Ich bedanke mich fuer Ihre Muehe, und wuensche Ihnen schon jetzt frohe weihnachten u. ein Gutes neues jahr.
- Henry Koenig
- 1&1 Internet (which might also be called 1 and 1 Internet or 1 & 1 Internet) is a piss-poor excuse for a service company, and I advise you to never use them for your web hosting, web site hosting, webhosting, internet service provider, or as your webhost. 1&1 Internet has possibly the worst customer support of any company I have ever dealt with in any industry. What follows is an e-mail I sent them this past weekend, to which I (of course) got no response from 1&1, not even from Andreas Gauger (Chairman of the Board), Ralph Dommermuth (Founder, CMO and CEO of United Internet, 1&1 Internet’s parent company), Achim Weiss (CTO).
- What follows is an e-mail I sent to
, which (of course) went compleltley unanswered, in regard to the twenty seven (27) hours of downtime I had here at jeffcroft.com (and several other sites I host) late last week.
- What follows is an e-mail I sent to
- Update: About an hour after posting this, I got a response from 1&1 offering me a free month of hosting. Hard to say if this post had anything to do with it, but it sure feels a little contrived to me. While I wouldn’t really say they’ve made up for the frustration I dealt with, at least they did something. The e-mail they sent me is now included here, as well. Update #2 (March 4th): A week later, this entry is now the fourth result on a Google search for “1&1 Internet”. I don’t feel the least bit guilty. I gave them plenty of opportunity to make things right, and they wouldn’t do it (sorry, a free month isn’t good enough).
- http://www2.jeffcroft.com/blog/2006/feb/27/11-internet-is-the-devil/
- http://www.google.com/search?q=complaints+1and1&hl=fr&rls=GGLJ%2CGGLJ%3A2006-25%2CGGLJ%3Afr
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