WARNING: The site referenced may contain pedophilic content and discussions and is not suitable for children. It could possibly have illegal content and contains content inappropriate for AboutUs.

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Welcome to NAMBLA's Home Page


Excerpted from the website:

WELCOME! The North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) was formed in 1978. It was inspired by the success of a campaign based in Boston's gay community to defend against a local witchhunt.
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Additional Information

Community Reviews

Nambla is a sick organization that promotes pedophilia as normal and acceptable behavior. The links to alternate sites have been deleted and will continue to be deleted because this site is for sick men who want to abuse young boys and I for one won't stand by and tolerate it.

NAMBLA is the North American Man/Boy Love Association. The name speaks for itself, and there are tomes of information about them on the internet. Their member list is unknown at this time, but many of the online pedophile activists have been involved with them at some point. Many of their members have been jailed for conspiracies and child molestation.

for more information see:

ADDITIONAL NOTE BY ANOTHER USER: It should be noted that almost ALL members of the GLBT (gay lesbian BI transgendered) community DO NOT SUPPORT AND DO NOT ENDORSE "NAMBLA" as part of the GLBT community!

External Links

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