is an online shop selling different kinds of miniatures

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Fantization Miniatures


Simply "Fantization" as it was originally called was founded by Steve Petrey (that's me to the left) in the early 90's. I joined the military and it gave me a lot of idle time to brainstorm on what I was going to do once I got out. I've always been an avid collector/ painter of miniatures. So on a train ride to visit my family during my military service I wrote down some words I wanted my ideal miniature company to encompass and the two words that I came up with were "Fantasy" and "Imagination". With those two words came "Fantization".

Fantization as a company didn't really start until I came across this card game, I think it was called Magic the Gathering or something like that. I picked up a couple of packs and showed some friends and next thing you know we were all hooked. We would play anywhere from 4 - 6 people at a time and there would be about 50+ cards on the table each game. A lot of the games would end up as draws because it just got to late to finish.

So I came up with an idea of a tracking sheet printed up on tablets with all the cards listed on it and life points etc... so the players could mark down everything and set up the same game at a later time or use it for tracking tournament play. This tracking sheet was based on the first set mind you so there weren't any other card sets to worry about back then.

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