Pacific North Advertising Group

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Pacific North Advertising


Pacific North uniquely assists their clients to promote their businesses through creative marketing efforts and eye catching advertising. In using these methods they are at the forefront of the marketing and advertising industry today.


Through web development, print media or corporate ID, they posses great design capabilities, helping to market the company and achieving target audience.

Their Doorlnob Ad services are quite unique for advertisement purpose as they particularly deliver and distribute to the right consumers.The process works with an advertisement containing a value-added coupon for the customers and is hung directly on the door so it gets into the hands of consumers. The clients choose the territory they target and it's exclusive to one business leader per doorknob ad.This marketing solution comprising of graphics design, printing and distribution services is economical.



Awarded by their local business community in winning The Abbotsford Chamber of Commerce Best New Business of the Year in 2005 as well as our COO won Entrepreneur of the Year for 2007.




Tel: 1-888-851-2516


Additional Information

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