WorstOfTheWeb.com is a humor site that picks out random websites to criticize

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The Worst of the Web


In the beginning, the Internet was made up of only a handful of web sites and homepages. It wasn't long before someone decided to bestow honors on the best of these creations. Before you knew it, Glenn Davis had started up Cool Site of the Day. Suddenly, everyone with half a knowledge of HTML and the ability to draw straight lines began to think they could make a decent (and cool) homepage. Nuh-uh. The infamous Mirsky rose to the occasion and Mirsky's Worst of the Web was born. Tired of the whole process, Mirsky hung up his hat and the awful side of the web is left unchecked... until now. This is the Worst of the Web™.

Every Weekday, we (Buzz, Melvin, and Chip) will showcase new sites peppered with our own ripping comments served up in two different ways. For those of you who grew to love the ease and simple style of Mirsky's original work, we've created the classic style. However, for those of you who want to play with a horde of Netscape 4+ enhanced features, we've created the new style for Worst of the Web™. Be sure to vote on how bad the new featured site stinks every day!

The classic style is fairly straight-forward. You'll be presented with the sites for each day along with our comments on one page.

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