sells green Scooters and Bikes

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Green Transportation

Need to get around town without contributing to major floods, and the rise in the earth's temperature? The easiest way of doing this is by searching for, and utilizing, alternative sources of energy. What green options do we have when it comes to transportation? Well, it turns out there are many options available in the market and there are many more which are being researched upon. One of the most viable options (which has been around since the the last century) are electric vehicles. With the improvement in battery technology, electric vehicles (EV) of today have a greater range than ever before. They are energy efficient, green, clean, and above all, very cool. Electric Vehicles are one of the many alternatives that can save the planet from pollution and global warming. CO2 is one of the chief contributors to global warming and most of it is produced through the burning of fossil fuels. By driving around in an electric vehicle we can reduce the burden of pollution and global warming. Let's start living a greener life.

Electric Scooters

So why electric scooters? Well, for one they are a very practical solution to our traffic and pollution problems. Congested city streets will breathe a sigh of relief if they see more of us on green, electric scooters rather than in gas guzzling vehicles. It will result in:

  • Less traffic congestion
  • Cleaner air
  • Cheaper transportation
  • Less time spent looking for a suitable parking spot


Electric Scooters are very popular in Europe and China. While traveling overseas, Craig Thompson of was inspired by this form of transportation and decided to bring them back to the US. He thought it would be a good idea, since it's such a cheap green from of alternative transportation. Just ask Lynne McCurdy, who is in love with these machines. She has been one of the best customers of ScootersNBikes. She is so satisfied with Electric Scooters, that she has bought many from and ends up telling others to do the same. operates out of a 25,000 sq. ft. warehouse in Fresno, CA. All of the bikes and replacement parts are stocked and shipped out of this location. Almost every order is shipped out the same day for faster delivery to the customer. Their customers include Alternative Transportation Enthusiasts and elderly people who like the idea of cheap transportation. Each bike is assembled and put through a performance checklist before shipping, helping maintain Thompson Scooter Quality.

Craig and his colleagues at pride themselves on excellent customer service and technical support along with fast shipping, availability of parts and stock bikes and scooters. “These are things that every customer expects but may not get from our competitors.”

Products at
Electric Bike
Electric Bike  
Electric Scooter
Electric Scooter  
Electric Scooter
Electric Scooter  



Mr. Thompson,
I love my new scooter!!!!! It is so fast and fun. My cousin has one of the 350 watt models and we went up to a biker bar together and rather than making fun of us the bikers thought our scooters were really cool. They asked where they could get one and we gave them your web site. I'm still working with the DMV to get it street legal but things look promising on that front. Thanks for the excellent product.

Ariston Kendrick.
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Staff Profile

Employee Profile
ScootersNBikes Staff.JPG
According to
"Monique Reynoso is our do it all Sales Manager with a dynamic personality. Everybody loves to talk with her on the phone and she makes friends fast. She has been a part of the team for the past 6 months and is doing an absolutely superb job! She is 29 years old, recently married, and has a son who she loves dearly. Her energy and enthusiasm is very contagious - give her a call!"


How much does it cost to charge a Thompson scooter?

It depends on the Baseline Rate of the electricity company in your area. It takes, on average, 1.3 kilowatts to completely charge the batteries on a 600 watt scooter. In California, PG&E’s baseline Rate per kilowatt is $.1156. The cost per charge would be $0.15 to fully charge a drained Thompson battery. The average range of a scooter with a 600 watt motor is 22 miles which makes the cost per mile to operate the scooter at $0.007 (less than one penny per mile).
More Information

Additional Information

For information on state laws regarding electric vehicles click here

For Shipping details click here


Telephone: (559) 255-4982
Fax: (559) 252-0786

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Scooters “N” Bikes

5334 E. Pine Ave.
Fresno, CA 93727

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