a collection of unusual perversions

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About Supervert

If he were alive today, would the Marquis de Sade have a web site? (120 Days of Sodom, ancestor of the sex blog.) Would Charles Baudelaire employ venture capital for a sinister new internet startup, Fleurs du Mal Inc? Would Arthur Rimbaud use information technology to disorder the senses? Would any of them, were they alive today, find some way to advance literature by means of artificial intelligence?

Supervert is what an author can be when amplified by technology. Creator of books, web sites, and CD-ROMs, Supervert stands at the intersection of literature, technology, and perhaps also abnormal psychology — for in all its endeavors, Supervert utilizes the techniques of vanguard aesthetics to research the pathology of novel perversions. A sort of deviant Bauhaus, Supervert strives to create new experiences through the synthesis of art, technology, pornography, and philosophy.

Supervert's first book, Extraterrestrial Sex Fetish, was widely acclaimed in the alternative press. Lydia Lunch's Sex and Guts Magazine hailed it as "one of the most astonishing books to come out in years," and the Absinthe Literary Review esteemed it "nothing short of brilliant." Wired called Supervert's multimedia work a "torture garden of earthly delights," while the Village Voice spoke of it as a "home-brew monstrosity" promoting "an emerging philosophy: user hostility." Supervert is also the creator of PervScan, a heavily trafficked blog devoted to perversion, as well as web sites dedicated to William S. Burroughs ( and to Charles Baudelaire's Flowers of Evil (

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