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Mythical Creatures and Beasts - Mythical Creatures Guide


Welcome to the Mythical Creatures Guide!

Myths are proofs of the brilliance of human imagination. As seen in pages of literature and the power of word of mouth, mythical creatures have taken off as an important remnant of history, culture and religious beliefs of our ancestors. Through these creatures and entities we come to know in books and from oral traditions, we embark on a paranormal and often magical journey to question how far we’ve come as a civilization surviving through years of cultural changes, assimilation and accommodation.

Literature portraying mythical creatures is in every country’s culture. Moreover, both the eastern and western worlds have their own versions of what these creatures look like, and how their relationship with human should be. Their paradigms about myths and mythical creatures are a factor that differentiates the two worlds. In Europe, most myths contain creatures and characters that seem to resemble human qualities, flaws and flaws. On the other hand, mythical creatures from the eastern part of the globe are mostly paranormal in nature. Hence, we can really conclude that beliefs in myths depend on the traditions and beliefs of people who believe in them.

The ancient civilization of Greece believed in polytheism. They worshipped gods and goddesses that resemble human features dating back from immemorial times. Believing that they manipulate their fate, the Greeks did everything to appease the anger of their gods and act towards the pleasure of these supreme beings. Zeus, the God of all the gods, is the perfect proof that Greeks humanize their gods. Although a god, Zeus is portrayed as a womanizing husband and is often depicted as having women as his weakness. From Zeus to all the other lesser gods, human qualities are seen to be getting the best of their nature.

Norse Mythology has a slightly different way of depicting their supreme beings. Instead of being humanized, their gods are often depicted as unsociable and not meddling with human affairs. Norse gods live in their own realms without much thought about humanity. Believers in Norse mythology are well aware about Ragnarok which literally means the end of the world. It is an important concept that is also depicted in other myths. Just like Nordic believers, Jewish traditions also believe that the world is bound to be destroyed when people have exhausted the goodness of their supreme being. They call it Armageddon. However, unlike in Northern Europe, Jewish people believe in monotheism. Praising other gods is a sinful act that is believed to anger their supreme god.

In Asia, supernatural beliefs are a staple aspect of life. Their everyday dealings have been subjugated by acting upon the grounds of certain practices that has something to do with the supernatural. An example of which is their belief in spirits, ghost, and other monstrosities of the realm of the dead. Witches, aswang, demons, dragons, and other mythical creatures are believed to cause pandemonium among the living. Naturally, people believe in practices to appease or cast away these mythical creatures. Likewise, festivals and holidays are celebrated in relation to their belief in supernatural phenomenon and creatures.

Belief in myths and mythical creatures has never lost its place in our modern world. Debates about the existence or veracity of these entities are still persistent to this day. Amidst the modernity of science and technology and media explosion, uncovering truths about the unexplained has become a source of fascination among believers and non-believers alike. This led to investigations about sightings of mermaids, manananggals, Bigfoot, Ghoul, and other unnamed creatures in different parts of the world. Ironically, the presence of seamless technology has not unearthed most mysteries about these creatures which triggered more debates as to their existence.

Whether we believe in them or not, we cannot deny that myths and mythical characters made an indelible mark in human history and civilization. They represent the many different faces of humanity that will never cease to fascinate the world.

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