is a social network primarily used for professional networking

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LinkedIn is a social networking site that is tailor-made for professionals. It lists over nine million registered users, representing more than 150 business sectors and over 400 economic regions.

In a nutshell, LinkedIn does away with the old networking practice of exchanging business cards with contacts who don't know you or your work. Through LinkedIn, your contacts, both old and new, need only go online to know right away what you're all about and what you have to offer.

LinkedIn - Português

LinkedIn é uma rede social local que é tailor-made para profissionais. Ela enumera mais de nove milhões de utilizadores registados, o que representa mais de 150 empresas e sectores económicos mais de 400 regiões.

Em poucas palavras, LinkedIn acaba com a velha prática de redes de troca de cartões comerciais com os contactos que não sabem que você ou seu trabalho. Através do LinkedIn, os seus contatos, tanto antigos como novos, só precisam de ir online para saber logo o que você está e tudo sobre o que você tem a oferecer.

How It Works

New members start by creating a profile enumerating their professional background. This establishes their identify in the online community and allows you to build a network of contacts. Through it, they can search for and be found by a host of former and current customers, colleagues and partners.


The most useful feature of LinkedIn is that it provides as easy way to keep track of and touch base with a member's most important business contacts, referred to here as “connections.” Anyone can be listed as a connection, whether they are a current LinkedIn user or not.

Aside from their direct connections (first degree connections), LinkedIn also keeps track of second degree connections (the direct connections of your first-degree connections) and third degree connections (the direct connections of your second degree connections). As such, it significantly expands the scope of a member's business network quickly and effectively.

This expanded network makes it easy for a member to arrange a formal introduction with someone they wish to meet through a mutual contact. The other popular uses of LinkedIn are:

  • (1)Locating jobs, business opportunities or even people that are recommended by any of your connections.
  • (2)Listing of job openings in your organization and searching for potential hirees
  • (3)For job applicants, reviewing the background of HR managers and prospective empolyers and identifying which of their existing connections can arrange an introduction

The Gated Access Approach

LinkedIn also has a unique feature that prevents just any user from contacting anyone else. It's called the “gated-access approach” and it requires either a pre-existing relationship or an introduction by a current contact before a user can get in touch with any professional.

LinkedIn Answers

On January 16, 2007, LinkedIn introduced a new feature called LinkedIn Answers wherein members can post a question which other users in the community can answer. This service is free to members and, unlike Google Answer or Yahoo! Answers which run a similar service, LinkedIn Answers provides responses that are more business-oriented in nature. In addition, the LinkedIn service identifies the people who ask and answer the questions. Invaluable site for all to join Invaluable also for airing your viewpoint and for and obtaining advise.


2029 Stierlin Court
Mountain View, CA 94043

Last week we received an anonymous email from that stated many groundless accusations that were entirely without merit regarding the domain After some more emails and telephone calls, I was able to find out who was behind the email, also their telephone number and snail-mail address, and I was able to contact them and clarify that generic keywords such as cannot be trademarked. The person on the other end of the line agreed and said that they would review the topic internally. I was somewhat taken aback at the manner in which I was contacted - I have heard of cases similar to what was being done by called "reverse domain name hijacking". At any rate, I hope this issue is now resolved: does not violate any trademark rights. To say otherwise would be more or less equivalent to saying that FaceBook.COM has exclusive right to the words "Face" and "Book" -- which is plain and simple: completely ludicrous!

Nmw 02:59, 11 August 2009 (PDT)

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