features tutorials and softwares for upper body workouts

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Fortex Flex

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Are you one of those people who hate going to the gym? Do you feel like people judge you when you show up? Then you need to check out this unique piece of exercise equipment called the Fortex. Work out in privacy and show the results in public!

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Fortex Flex is a resistance trainer that is designed to provide you a toned body with minimum effort on your part. It has been clinically tested and proven to show definition and increased muscle strength when compared to traditional weight lifting. It looks similar to a bicycle air pump. It has handles at both ends and it uses air-based technology. The harder you push with the handles, the higher the pressure in the Fortex. The effort you put into using the Fortex will determine the force of your workout which will work towards improving the shape of your upper body. If you follow the recommended training program you can see results in just 4 weeks!

Fortex Flex Products
Fortex Flex - Upper body training unit
Flex Belt - Electronic Stomach Toning Medical Technology
Flex Belt - Electronic Stomach Toning Medical Technology  

Why Use Fortex?

Most people who have the desire to get in shape will buy just about every piece of equipment they can afford. These big bulky, room engulfing machines will end up being used to hang clothes on or end up gathering dust. They are too big and they are in the way. The Fortex will solve the problem of buyer’s regret! The Fortex is a good way to save money because you won’t need to invest in the big machines to get a full upper body workout. No longer will you have to use the shoulder press, chest press, arm curl, arm extension or the seated row machines. Think of all the room in your house you can now use for other things. It’s definitely cheaper than paying for a gym membership. Now you can use the Fortex in the privacy of your own home, office, hotel room or even in the car. (As long as someone else is driving!)

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Convenience and Effectiveness
Workouts take only minutes a day - just 6 to 11 minutes max! Do this regime 4 times a week for 4 weeks and Fortex guarantees you will see results. See your chest, arms, back and shoulders improve in muscle strength and definition or will give 100% of your money back. This guarantee is a 60-day offer, twice the amount of time that it will take you to see improvement in your upper body.

Additional Benefits

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The Fortex comes with personal trainer software that keeps track of your workouts, challenges you to improve your target score and helps you to stay motivated. This and the fact that it's highly convenient to use and it takes only a few minutes a day, at any time of the day, makes sure that you get the results you have longed for.

How to Order?

Orders can be placed for both the Fortex Flex and the Flex Belt online using a secure server which makes online transactions very safe and reliable. You can also send them an email or give them a call using the contact information mentioned below.


C/O - FortexFlex
PO Box 4010
Anthony, NM 88021


Phone US: (800) 222-7154
International: (575) 882-0333
Fax: (575) 882-0334

Fortex Flex Reviewed on Other websites

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For an at-home single piece of exercise equipment, Fortex® is the most advanced and effective we have seen for toning the upper body. In 10 minutes a day, you will strengthen and tone your chest, back muscles, biceps, triceps and shoulders. Fortex® is not a clunky machine that will take up a lot of room in your house or apartment… and it is not some simple, cheap, fly-by-night infomercial special of the week.

Before I started working out with the Fortex I had no upper body strength. I always failed the physical fitness test because I couldn't do a single pull up. I felt weak and looked flabby. The definition I have now is amazing and what's better is that I feel I can take care of myself and that is the true meaning of fitness. This device has changed my life.

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