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Hotel 800 Phone Numbers and Websites


This is the place where travel experts share their tips and expertise to make you the expert. It's also a place to have fun, explore, learn and just kick back.

I started this newsletter/website for fun. It all began when I e-mailed a few friends who travel a lot, and wanted to earn as many miles as I did. We competed to see who could accrue more miles, and after kicking their butts (I learned a lot traveling 125,000 miles a year for the past 5 years), I decided to be nice and help my friends out. My first e-mails told them what numbers to call so they could earn double miles or points. Each week I got more creative, adding new features like tips, web cams and helpful travel websites. My list grew and grew. I got e-mails from people I didn't even know, asking to be added to the distribution list. When my list reached 500 I decided to make a website. I felt there were many helpful, cool websites out in cyberspace, but not one of them had everything I needed. I had so many travel bookmarks and favorites that sometimes even I couldn't find what I was looking for. So I laid them all out, organized them, and voila: The Johnny Jet Portal! The website was designed to point travelers to everything the web has to offer. It doesn't matter if you travel five days a week, or once every five years. This site is for everyone! It has become the "first stop" for thousands of travelers. Those who contribute to Johnny Jet share my vision -- and I share theirs. Together, all of us get the inside scoop on how to do travel -- and how do it economically, comfortably, efficiently and with plenty of style.

I was born in May of 1969, in Connecticut. I lived there until I was 21. I became fascinated with air travel at an early age, when I discovered I could leave behind freezing cold, dreary CT in February, and two hours later be in hot, sunny, beautiful Florida. Unfortunately, when I was 17 years old a doctor told me I had asthma, gave me way too much medication, and told me that I "might have a problem breathing on the plane because the cabin is pressurized." I tried to get on a plane to Australia, but turned around at the gate. It was one of the worst days of my life. For 3 1/2 years I was afraid to fly.

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