Revision as of 15:14, 3 August 2006 by MarkDilley (talk | contribs)


Change to Win


Our TV ad has been deemed too controversial for some networks. Since when is standing up for working families controversial? See the ad that's too controversial for the Daily Show!

Workers, community groups and people of faith in more than 44 cities in 24 states and Puerto Rico joined together during Make Work Pay! Week to launch a national movement to restore the American Dream—a paycheck that supports a family, affordable health care, a retirement with dignity and a chance to give their children a better life. We believe this can only be achieved if working people are free to unite together in a labor union, without the interference of employers. Learn more.

What We Stand For

The six million members of the unions of the new Change to Win labor federation have united to renew hope, opportunity, and prosperity for American workers and their families.

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