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Musical Nirvana - Indian Classical Music


About MusicalNirvana

Musical Nirvana aspires to be the most comprehensive site about Indian classical music, both North Indian (Hindustani) and south Indian (Carnatic). Light classical in the form of Ghazals are also covered. Musical Nirvana is meant for everyone who is interested in Indian classical music and as far as possible, profiles, reviews and descriptions are written at a simple, non-technical level.

The Birth

This site was born in 2000, mainly to address a couple of problems. Whenever I wanted to buy an Indian Classical CD, I used to search for reviews and recommendations on the web. I would rarely find reviews. So I had to buy and test out myself, as to how good the music and the recordings are. Indian classical music being improvisation based, many a time the same artist can be extremely good on one cd and just average on the other. Also the recording and mastering quality varies widely. Secondly, when I search on the net for information on Indian music or artists, invariably half the sites are broken, either because of disuse on free webhosts or the student has moved out of the university which hosted the site. I already had a small home page with my list of recommended CDs for all my online audiophile friends. I decided to turn that into a bigger site which would have a large discography, review CDs and rate them. Also I started compiling general music and artist information off the web. I thought it was a good idea to combine discography and artist profiles. So, Musical Nirvana was born.

Now, it is much broader in scope than just that. You can add your reviews (and see others reviews) of CDs. I hope to build a large collection of reviews for everyone's benefit. Also, I'm trying to make it a complete information site, about theory and history of ICM, music personalities, instruments and everything else connected with ICM. The ICM Portal classifies all ICM sites which have information that this site does not.

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