allows people to use their code to play Cackleberries game.

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Cackleberries - A Safe Place to Play for fun and games online


CackleBerries Cackleberries is unique…we are all about the children. We are about magic, fantasy and laughter. We are about adventure, a little fear and lots of excitement. We are about accepting differences and caring and sharing.

We still care about the adults. We don’t use ‘pester power’. We won’t encourage your children to nag you into buying our products. We won’t even talk to them about products. Promise.

We won’t build anything that won’t last. Our toys are meant to be hand-me-downs. Our Frobits have a replacement guarantee we’ve never seen anywhere else. Your dollars will be well spent.

Our board and card games, like our music are made for the family. We took the time and consideration to develop systems that can be played by your little ones and not bore you to tears. Our music is a huge source of pride. Our talented artists are creating music of every genre for kids from 3 to 83.

And we will protect your kids. Our website is guaranteed safe – no chat rooms; no violence, sex or inappropriate content; no click throughs to sites we can’t approve (even the address bar is removed); no advertising, banners or confusion between marketing and entertainment. The site is a living cartoon offering stories, crafts, games, music and fun…. period.

Our website is not for adults, its for kids. It is a place to play, not a corporate advertising center. We are entertaining and teaching children, not selling to them.

Introduce your children to the Cackleberries Experience with confidence. We promise to look after them. After all your children are our future.

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#301 - 1160 Douglas Road
Burnaby BC V5C 4Z6


The Cackleberries Group of Companies.
+1 604 291-7377, Fax: +1 604 291-2032

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