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FEBE and CLEO are a pair of Firefox extensions for backing up your Firefox extensions. FEBE takes an installed extension and repackages it as an installable .xpi file. It will also optionally back up themes, bookmarks, passwords, etc. CLEO is a second extension from the same author that will take a number of extensions or themes of your choosing and package them all as a single .xpi, so they can all be installed at once. Unfortunately FEBE and CLEO are Windows-only, but if you run WIndows and find yourself installing Firefox or creating new profiles with the same extensions often, or just want a nice backup solution, FEBE and CLEO are definitely worth checking out.

Forgot all about Flock, didn't you? (Yeah, me too.) Well, the Firefox-based "social web browser" is still alive and kicking, and with the release of Flock Beta 1, a.k.a. version 0.7, the Flock team has kicked it into public beta mode. Though when the first alpha was released Flock was pretty easy to dismiss as, well, alpha software, the new beta looks compelling, with speed and stability improvements, lots of new features for photo management, feed-reading, search, favorites, and blogging. Take a look at the Flock blog for lots of juicy details, or hit the download site to grab Flock for Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux.

The eBay wiki that we mentioned last week? Today it has launched and seems to have hit the ground running. Sitting pretty at its own domain name, eBay Wiki is powered by by JotSpot and the edits seem to be piling on already--Richard MacManus at Read/WriteWeb describes it as the "world's largest commercial wiki," which may very well be true. Users must be signed in with their eBay ID and password to make edits, editing is done with a WYSIWYG interface, and organization is accomplished with both categories and tags. The front page of eBay Wiki is a simple Recent Changes list, which is nice, especially for power-users, but for casual users I think navigation could be improved considerably. The wiki's content is currently an interesting hodge-podge, including everything from articles about stoneware to a tutorial on Linux automation using cron. Clearly eBay Wiki has some evolution to do, but I think there's a ton of potential there, not just for eBay users but for internet information-seekers at large.

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