sells sterling silver jewelry and semi-precious gemstones

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Silver Jewellery & Semi-precious Gems. Worldwide delivery fine Silver Jewellery


The distinction between precious and semi precious gemstones is now thought to be outmoded but is still common currency. A natural piece of turquoise or larimar is infinitely more "precious" than an undistinguished diamond. We specialise in semi-precious stone jewellery and hope that the following brief descriptions will encourage you to explore the world of semi precious gemstones in greater depth. It is thought that the origin of wearing semi precious stones and gemstone jewellery is a result of their mystic and talismanic properties rather than for pure adornment or as a demonstration of wealth and status.

Early astronomers believed in the special powers of semi precious gemstones which were linked to certain planets, virtues or seasons of the year and in the Middle Ages their powers were taken for granted without question.

They were and still are thought to have strong protective powers - the gift of a certain semi precious gemstone to a newborn baby would ward off certain evils; hence the foundation of their talismanic properties. As a result of their magical properties gemstone jewelry and semi precious stones began to be worn as adornments.

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