User talk:Jbergerot

Revision as of 23:44, 3 January 2011 by MarkDilley (talk | contribs) (adding social media templates and a few internal WikiLinks)
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Welcome to AboutUs! Thanks for fixing the title on the pages you've done tonight and in the past! Feel free to fix the bot's mistakes whenever you encounter them! We've also created a Category:AboutUsBotGoneBad to document some of its better mistakes. Drew

Hello, I am adding a category to your PersonalPage. It is nice to see that you have been active here for a while. What do you think about this wiki thing? :-) Best, MarkDilley

Also, was interested if you wanted to come to the AdultContentPolicy page and participate in defining the direction for our wiki site, after all ItsYourWiki. If you would like to participate, go here and add your name like {{NotYet|need to look at this more}}. Please let me know if you have any questions... I am really interested in what you think about this, the issue and the way we are deciding it. :-) Best, MarkDilley

Help with Big Decision ... AboutUsLogo!

Hello, there is a movement afoot to create a new version of the AboutUsLogo. I'd love it if you would come to AboutUsLogo and participate in creating this important decision about the look/feel for our site, after all ItsYourWiki! Warm Regards, Brandon CS Sanders Caricature.jpg Brandon CS Sanders

Storyteller's Bazaar

Hello Jbergerot,

Have you paid a visit to TheStorytellersBazaar yet? If not, please do. It's jam packed with all sorts of writing activities. Read some of the contributions and hopefully they will inspire you to contribute too. The more you contribute the better the site will become. Come and have a look and enjoy. Tanwir Shah



I would just like to tell you about the WhoWeAre consensus poll. This is a unique opportunity for all community members to discuss and decide what AboutUs is and more importantly what role we, the community, plays.

The discussion is still in its initial stages and there are a handful of people involved in this discussion. But it's not enough. Every one of us has a stake in this process. We all need to air our views. Our opinions will make a difference. We cannot and must not let a handful of people define us. We must speak out and contribute because we are being defined and I for one would like to have a say in how I am being defined.

Please contribute to this really important project. Without you it cannot successfully create a good definition of who we are. Tanwir Shah

NewSkin Beta Preview

Hello Jean!

We've noticed your contributions and are glad to be on the AboutUs team with you! As an ActiveMember your energy and ideas determine our future direction. One way that ActiveMembers stay "in the loop" is to participate in the beta previews of large new changes to the site before they are generally released.

Today we're starting a limited beta preview of an earthy NewSkin intended to reflect the alive and growing AboutUs community. The NewSkin is designed to feel wholesome and connected with the real world. This choice was made to reassure the many folks who feel that the internet is a "scary place" where mean people hide behind fake identities and shout insults at each other. We hope that the NewSkin evokes our values in a way that helps visitors and members alike feel grounded in true community.

We'd love your help putting the NewSkin through its paces! To give it a whirl you'll need to be logged in. Once you are logged in, go to "my preferences" | "skin" and select "design". Don't forget to then click the "save" button! You can always go back to the current skin by selecting "aboutus" via the same steps.

Your feedback on the new look for aboutus will help ensure that it has a maximally positive impact when we roll it out. Thanks for being a valuable member of the community, we look forward to your feedback on the NewSkin page!

Warm Regards,
the DevelopmentTeam


I just wanted to tell you that I've been noticing your edits in RC and you're rocking it. Kristina | **talk** 22:03, 26 October 2007 (PDT)

It's great to see you!

Thanks for uploading your portrait :) Kristina (contact me) 13:53, 10 August 2009 (PDT)

Flag as parked

I know you've done lots of great work flagging parked sites and I wanted to let you know that we now have a flag option for parked that should make doing so much easier and faster. So anytime you want to note a parked site please use the little flag near the top right of the page. See flag for more details and let me know if you have any questions. Best, Kristina (contact me) 10:57, 17 March 2010 (PDT)

Thank you

Thanks for keeping an eye on things! Best, Kristina (contact me) 12:12, 23 June 2010 (PDT)

comment by Asad Mahmood Butt

Links on your Website's AboutUs Page changed to DoFollow

Hi there, I noticed that you've done some great work on You've added very useful information about the website on that page. Keeping this in mind, I've changed the links on this page from NoFollow to DoFollow. Please let me know if there are any other pages that you think should also be changed to DoFollow. You can also take a look at the Online Visibility Audit and Site Metrics sections on the page, to see how your website looks to the search engines and to learn about its popularity on various social news websites. Please feel free to join us on 846ccd6cf422489a6efc5302b6c475af.png: @AboutUs and 3188364f61a5caec6cea3db52bd7ee92.png: [}}} Facebook] to see our latest articles and resources for website owners. Best, Asad | *~talk~*