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About Sahvanna Raised in a long lineage of psychics, I have had the ability to link to the spirit world from an early age. I have studied since my teenage years and continue to study in order to continuously raise my skill level in both my mediumship and psychic abilities. I work with the use of my Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Clairsentience skills and at times will use a tool to confirm my psychic impressions. My predictions are extremely accurate. At the time of the reading, you may not understand the prediction, but in time, you will see the messages unfold and light will be cast upon your life. I am a true light worker and my greatest wish is to help others. I believe we all have been gifted with God's love, I also feel it is my job to empower my clients to use their own power and follow their life path to a higher spiritual plane. "Coming from a family of incredibly gifted women and I grew up with an awareness of my connection to spirit. From an early age the principals of spirituality were instilled in me and I knew I could help others with these beliefs. As a child I naturally displayed empathic qualities. So in many ways I have been serving my entire life."

"Mediumship is my passion. Assisting a person who wants to contact a loved one who has crossed over into the spirit world can be challenging, but so rewarding. One or several contacts can be made in a reading like this. This type of reading is very healing and beneficial to those suffering the loss of a loved one. Evidential proof that our loved can be contacted often gives great comfort to those who are suffering the pain of a loss. I often receive such amazing information in these readings, specific memories, personality traits and names come through very clearly. These kind of details not only provide evidence that our loved ones never leave us, but bring great comfort to those going through the ever changing and existent grieving process."

Favorite Quote or Motto "My purpose is not to solve your problems for you, but to put you in touch with your own power. My purpose is not to come between you and your own freedom by giving you answers, even to the most tragic of problems. My purpose is to reinforce your own strength, for ultimately the magic of your being is well equipped to help you find fulfillment, understanding, exuberance, and peace." -- Seth,

Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier. - Mother Teresa, 1910-1997, Albanian-born Humanitarian and Missionary

Sahvanna is a Clairvoyant, Clairsentient, and Clairaudient who works with Sjlightworkers as a psychic reader and medium. She chose to be a Mental Medium rather than a Trance Medium as it works best for her. Her technique of receiving messages from the spirit is dialog based - almost like a question answer session, and the messages she receives come in the form of pictures, words, and feelings.

In addition to offering psychic readings, Sahvanna also has her own radio station called "Soul's Journey Radio". Aired on both Achieve Radio and Blogtalkradio, this program helps her deliver powerful spirit messages to the people who call her for advice. For more information on her radio shows and private readings, please visit Sahvanna's websites http://www.sjlightworkers and http://www.Soulsjourney.net.

Do you have a personal statement that best describes you?

"My purpose is not to solve your problems for you, but to put you in touch with your own power. My purpose is not to come between you and your own freedom by giving you answers, even to the most tragic of problems. My purpose is to reinforce your own strength, for ultimately the magic of your being is well equipped to help you find fulfillment, understanding, exuberance, and peace." -- Seth,

Do you have a motto or favorite quote that guides you?

Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier. - Mother Teresa, 1910-1997, Albanian-born Humanitarian and Missionary

When and how did you first discover you had the gift to help people?

Coming from a family of incredibly gifted women and I grew up with an awareness of my connection to spirit. From an early age the principals of spirituality were instilled in me and I knew I could help others with these beliefs. As a child I naturally displayed empathic qualities, working with the handicapped or trying to save the whales! So in many ways I have been serving my entire life.

Share with us a little bit about your personal history.

Early on I worked in the social work field. I took on the challenging position of managing group homes for developmentally disabled adults. Looking back it was one of the most rewarding times in my life thus far. I had the honor of removing people from institutional living conditions and placing them in homes in the community. My clients had been institutionalized all their lives and had no idea of how to live outside an institutional setting. The deinstitutionalization process that followed was difficult, but a path we walked together. Learning to live in a free society was stressful on them, but they flourished and eventually became productive members of their communities. It brought me the realization that many things are taken for granted. When I had my children I left the job, but left with such a feeling of gratitude towards the people I worked with. They brought so much substance and purpose to my life.

Do you offer special services or insights that customers might find helpful?

Yes, my specialty and my love is the Bereavement Reading This reading is for the person who wants to contact a loved one who has crossed over into the spirit world. One or several contacts can be made in a reading like this. This type of reading is very healing and beneficial to those suffering the loss of a loved one. Evidential proof that our loved can be contacted often gives great comfort to those who are suffering the pain of a loss. I often receive such amazing information in these readings, specific memories, personality traits and even names come through very clearly. These kind of details not only provide evidence that our loved ones never leave us, but bring great comfort to those going through the ever changing and existent grieving process.

Why do you love what you do?

Because it's my passion and my life's mission.

What times are you usually available?

Usually from 10am to 10pm seven days of week.

Contact Information


" "Tears fell like rain drops as the soothing and guiding words from this wonderful lady who is guided by her spirit advisors i felt has taken me by the hand and guided me through a period in my life that had at times felt life my future was under siege, Sahvanna insights into more pressing problems left me with a great weight lifted from my shoulders. Her wise counseling has given me new courage to go forth once again and be positive to the wonderful future that awaits me out there. I feel so very privileged that i was guided to her site To find answers to my questions that had my heart crying out for confirmations,, that Sahvanna and her God given insights and spirit guides gave me hope and reassurance that indeed life can be so sweet if one has faith and belief in ones self that their well being does indeed lay in their own hands to choose,, I feel that alone Sahannva walks by my side and guards me with invisible arms and will be there for me when ever and wherever i may be in the world. She is a classy lady who has such patience as she goes about explaining how things should and will be, 5 stars ney a thousand thousand stars would not do her justice. She is a true friend that the world could do more of with such old souls. I wish Sahvanna a wonderful future wherever she may travel or be in the world and feel that we shall remain life long friends in this plane of existence and the next as well, What can i say to convince u to look no further for a truly God gifted human being.. but to do what i have done and contact her and believe, because I don't care where u look and how far you will be hard pressed to find another whose talents match that of this lovely lady whose only ambition is to serve her fellow men with 100% guidance from her spirit guides, please try and i know u will not be disappointed, try and you will be overjoyed and yes perhaps a little tear of happiness will fall like summer rain and thats a fact well done well done indeed Sahvanna I am proud to call u my friend' "

– : -John

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