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Happy Furry Puppy Story Time with Norbizness


My Manwich!

Well, I can see that domestic affairs has everyone hot and bothered with the lone comment in the post below, so it's time to move on to the more interactive captions segment of our work-week. Click on the thumbnails for a larger, context-revealing picture, caption as many as you want (but especially #6) in the comments, and tell me your favorites. I just love the visual on #4, but the caption itself might need work.

FINALLY! The insurgents will realize that we're not just dicking around anymore! (a more elaborate version of this joke used the "sitting on the helmets to protect your balls" scene from Apocalypse Now, noting that White House staff don't have to worry about the genitalia which was removed from them as a condition of their employment, but that's a little involved for a simple caption, isn't it?)

I make the voters of Maine one solemn promise: I will use the massive resources of the state to harrass and torture the shit out of every schoolyard bully who ever made fun of my bowtie or my name!

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