
Revision as of 22:09, 2 December 2008 by sumwoman (talk | contribs) (Additional Information)


911 Researchers an Open Resourse for 9/11 Researchers

Our Mission

Open research to uncover the truths surrounding events of September 11, 2001.


On September 11, 2001 three tall steel and concrete skyscrapers in NYC exploded into dust within seconds. Total destruction for the Twin Towers came within 10 seconds each and only 6.4 seconds for the WTC7.
The coverup of crimes that day started with the orders to clean up the crime scene before any murder investigations took place.
As the world is taken over by authoritarian governments claiming to protect us from the crimes of that day it is our duty to investigate the crimes. Giving up freedom and liberty for a false sense of security has never been a good idea.

The Crime Scenes

1 World Trade Center, 2 World Trade Center, 7 World Trade Center
New York NY 10003 US



Additional Information

Latest News from 9/11 Truth Movement

Members of the Vancouver 9/11 Truth got together and filmed their response to Mr.Zinn's remarks about 9/11 Truth Activists.

This is video Clip that started the whole thing.

The 9/11 Truth group from Montreal caught up with Mr.Zinn and questioned him about his initial remarks.

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