
Revision as of 01:01, 25 May 2008 by Miyuki (talk | contribs) (Added a frustrated comment to - 'Haven't you spammers already sent me probably...')
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I am an American citizen currently working (mostly as a professional translator) in Japan. Miyuki is not my real name--just a pet's name. Since I have been providing details about Japanese spammers, I prefer to keep my full identity secret.

My Influence Us Comments

Miyuki's Comments on

  • Miyuki (frustrated) : I wish it would stop spamming--especially for useless penis enlargement medicine--something never medically proven effective and also ridiculous to send to a woman like myself. 06:52, 6 March 2008 (PST)

Miyuki's Comments on

  • Miyuki (frustrated) : As a woman, I don't like being bombarded with spam about enlarging my non-existent penis. 06:57, 6 March 2008 (PST)

Miyuki's Comments on

  • Miyuki (frustrated) : I should have written "a good percentage of THE RECIPIENTS of their porn." In any case, shame on the operators of this site! 07:03, 6 March 2008 (PST)
  • Miyuki (frustrated) : This site sent me unsolicited photos of naked penises. This is not what I want to see in my maibox. These penis enlargement spammers ought to realize that a good percentage of their porn are women and children. 07:01, 6 March 2008 (PST)

Miyuki's Comments on

  • Miyuki (frustrated) : Dozens--maybe hundreds-- of different domain names open up to the same VPXL page, and they all spam. For a woman like myself to receive spam for penis enlargement several times a day simply seems like harassment; it won't make me want to buy the product. Also, almost all of these spams land in the junk mail box. I open them only when I am in the mood to report the name of the spamming site; otherwise, they are deleted unread. 15:30, 6 March 2008 (PST)

Miyuki's Comments on

  • Miyuki (frustrated) : There are many domains that open up to Presige Replicas, and all of them spam. Do you spammers really think that sending people the same message over and over is going to make them want to buy your products? Why can't you spammers leave people who don't respond to your messages after a few times alone? 01:56, 7 March 2008 (PST)

Miyuki's Comments on

  • Miyuki (frustrated) : Stop spamming! I don't need the same messages for fake brands everyday--let alone several times a day. 05:38, 7 March 2008 (PST)

Miyuki's Comments on

  • Miyuki (frustrated) : Stop spamming. I don't need the same plugs for your fake brands everyday--let alone several times a day. It's simply harassment. 05:53, 7 March 2008 (PST)

Miyuki's Comments on

  • Miyuki (frustrated) : Stop spamming. And stop putting other people's names before my legitimate e-mail address. When you Chinese spammers write to "Tony" or "Oscar" or "Pauline Mora" or any other name that isn't mine, I don't even take it as a message to me. It's like having the postman mistakenly put someone else's mail in my box. . Your useless spam:. : "Sara Lozano" . 日付: 2008/03/08 土 午前 05:06:48 JST. 宛先: "Pauline Mora" . 件名: Wonderful luxurious items. . . The quality of these rep1!c@ted items will exceed all your expectations!. Cherry-pick the most appropriate item for you! 13:37, 7 March 2008 (PST)

Miyuki's Comments on

  • Miyuki (frustrated) : What kind of constructive criticism does a phishing/spamming site expect? In any case, your phony message wasn't even addressed to me but sent by BBC. Very lazy of you crooks! Also, I don't have a PayPala account. 04:10, 11 March 2008 (PDT)

Miyuki's Comments on

  • Miyuki (frustrated) : Stop sending unwanted messages about available horny women. I'm neither a man nor a lesbian! 04:13, 11 March 2008 (PDT)

Miyuki's Comments on

  • Miyuki (frustrated) : Your spam messages are disgusting. You might consider the fact that a good percentage of the recipients are women and underaged people. 04:18, 11 March 2008 (PDT)

Miyuki's Comments on

  • Miyuki (frustrated) : Around a week after sending me a few offers for smutty DVDs, which did not interest me in the least, this site then started sending me bogus bills for supposedly joining its porn club. I came home from a party one night and found three such bills in my mailbox. The next morning before I had a chance to put a blocking device on its return address, I got yet another bill. しつこいよ! 04:22, 11 March 2008 (PDT)

Miyuki's Comments on

  • Miyuki (frustrated) : I don't like spam addressed to people other than myself while using my legitimate address. (No one named "Stephanie" uses this computer, scumbag!) I also do not like receiving several messages a day for penis enlargement. I am a woman and have no problem with my husband's size!. Your useless and annoying spam:. "Harry" . 日付: 2008/03/12 水 午前 07:45:55 JST. 宛先: "Stephanie" . 件名: the best solution for growth. . . I've played on and off with pumps, weights, and exercises for the last few. years and have never gained one centimeter. . I recently began VPXL and was pleasantly surprised to see that this product. actually works. . I have been on the product 2 months now and I have already gained 1 inch. . . Its fantastic! My new girlfriend is really impressed with my size and stamina. . . . 17:03, 11 March 2008 (PDT)

Miyuki's Comments on

  • Miyuki (frustrated) : Give me a break! Do you really think I would order a "degree" from the same spammers who try to sell me penis enlargement medicine and other dubious items? Besides, I have bonafide Ivy League degrees. 01:25, 13 March 2008 (PDT)

Miyuki's Comments on

  • Miyuki (frustrated) : Even if I were in debt, which I am not, I would never contact a scumbag spammer using a phony return address--particularly one ending with ".ru". Who in their right mind would seek help with credit from Russia?! 02:58, 2 May 2008 (PDT)

Miyuki's Comments on

  • Miyuki (frustrated) : Have you scumbag "penis enlargement" spammers/scammers ever considered the fact that a significant percentage of recipients of this sh#t is female? I'm getting so tired of you spammers telling me how to please my non-existent girlfriend/wife and to enlarge an organ I don't have. 07:49, 10 May 2008 (PDT)

Miyuki's Comments on

  • Miyuki (frustrated) : As a woman, I am really tired of getting "penis enlargement" spam from websites registered in China several times a day. Have you spammers ever considered the fact that a good percentage of the people receiving your messages are female? 17:57, 24 May 2008 (PDT)

Miyuki's Comments on

  • Miyuki (frustrated) : Haven't you spammers already sent me probably over 100 messages telling me that VXPL and mega-dik are the best for "penis enlargement?" Not that I am interested, as I am a woman and also not dissatisfied with my husband's size. 18:01, 24 May 2008 (PDT)