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Datavor Search Engine


Almost 90% of all internet users begin their journeys on the information superhighway using a search engine to find the specific information they desire.

Each search engine, like each user, has its own personality, strengths, weaknesses and feel that makes it unique and special. Search results vary tremendously from engine to engine, as do graphics, relevancy and databases. To limit yourself to the resources of just one search engine, places limits on your quest for knowledge. Yet to travel from search engine to search engine, entering the same keyword and waiting for the results is such a chore. Right?

Wrong! Datavor is where the internet begins. It is the place to begin and finish your internet travels, with search results from virtually every major search engine at your fingertips. Enter the keyword into the Datavor search box and you not only receive excellent search results from Datavor, but click on the links to the left and see the results of that same search on virtually any or all search engines listed!

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