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Tour de France 2006


Publish & Prosper published and prospering; RSS at Feedburner

A couple of site-related tidbits: DL Byron's new book, Publish and Prosper: Blogging for Your Business, is now available from and geekier bookstores everywhere.

It's a guide to building a blog that supports your business goals. Byron and Steve Broback have a great track record helping Boeing find a voice in the blogosphere, and their book concentrates on how to get started — finding a niche, a platform, and a voice you can call your own. TdFblog is one of dozens of example weblogs in the book. Here's the book's website, where you can check out a sample chapter.

Also, you shouldn't see any differences, but I've moved the site's syndication feeds over to FeedBurner. TypePad now offers easy integration with FB, and I can finally get some idea of how much of my traffic comes through RSS and Atom. Please let me know if anything's gone squirrely.

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