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Timothy M Sullivan Model Yachts


When we look at a boat, a lot of mental images come to mind: beauty, speed, agility, grace, power. It is hard to explain why they have such a hold on us, keeping us out on the water until dusk, getting us up earlier than we would normally think a reasonable hour. Just to look at a beautiful boat moves the spirit. I didn't start sailing until college, but from that very first day, I wanted to build a model.

Then I built a model of Columbia. Wow! One could sense the power exerted by those sails, the yacht shouldering the seas as it beat along. Seeing a model gives one the sense of truly knowing what a boat is all about...just how slippery it is, the ability to clear sand bars with the greatest of ease, the amount of force needed down below to keep the sails upright aloft. And when unable to get out for a sail--whether the skies will not cooperate or bound hard and fast to one's life work--a model always gives the opportunity for the sail of a lifetime. You can manage the boat in forty knot winds and drive it hard into the troughs of the waves and come right back up again. Or take it on a nice easy daysail to places you've been, but unable to get to again right away.

Building a model for me is an adventure, one I've taken many times on a model from a twelve foot dinghy to the hundred and thirty foot Columbia, and each one was exhilarating. Every one of my models is handcrafted, with not a whole lot of machinery involved. Hulls are accurate to the designer's lines, and checked with templates along the way. Carving a hull is how the designers--including Herreshoff--did it years ago, and gives me a sense of the intended shape; it also makes for a model that will not distort out of shape. Detail can vary from a minimal pond yacht to a fully detailed museum quality model. Models can be built with or without sails (I prefer gaff-rigged boats without sails, Bermuda-rigged with), and pond boats can be made to sail. Most of my models have been larger scale as they become part of a room and not just placed on a shelf, but most any size can be built.





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