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Inside Hotwire 3D - The Ultimate Next Generation Magazine


Inside Hotwire 3D is a prominent video games magazine that focuses in providing the latest news, in-depth reviews, and sneak previews of highly anticipated titles for the next generation console gaming. The company has been rebuilt from its root with a brand new look and feel. Since its introduction in 2001, Inside Hotwire 3D has received over 100 prestigious awards with daily visitors reaching by the thousands! The site has made published in numerous commercial accounts for its professionalism, positive contribution, and presentation. No matter what the achievements are, Inside Hotwire 3D's primary goal is to provide the gaming community the ultimate gaming experience.

Our success in building this website comes from hard-working individuals behind the scene that are highly qualified and accomplished talents, ranging from IT professionals to licensed health providers. Most have ties with the magazine business and brought their creative skills and years of experience to make this company what it is today. Though the work can be best described as rigorous and is often demanding, it is a job everyone loves and enjoys. Our company stresses the importance of "freedom", and that is why the employees are given considerations to their other professions. With a flexible work environment, it is easy to manage the daily operations.

Besides the focus on next generation computer gaming, we are part of an organization that provides smart business solutions to clients seeking alternatives for improving their status online. In the past, we have helped design other gaming sites and make their presence known. Thus far, we are pleased with the positive responses and by the tremendous admiration from the publishers, developers, press agencies, network associates, and the video game community itself. We hope that you have enjoyed your experience with Inside Hotwire 3D. Should you have any questions or comments, please send them to information(q) Thanks for your support and for visiting Inside Hotwire 3D. We value your continued patronage.


Lynden Rogero
Private Private
United States 00000

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