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Title : Independent free-to-use education portal for students, parents and teachers.


Revisiontime was conceived on a stormy and restless night during an unseasonably warm period in early February 2000AD. I awoke in a cold sweat to a fantastic crash of thunder and there she was, Revisiontime, firmly planted within my brain. How she found her way there I will never know, but one thing was certain, my life would be changed forever!

At first I was in a state of denial, I couldn't quite believe what had happened; she just wouldn't leave me be for a moments peace. There was no one to turn to and, it seemed, nowhere to go. Yet, by what seems like fate now, I stumbled across a sympathetic old friend who told me about a Trust bearing the name of a Prince. He said they could help people like me and indeed they had helped him; by now anything was worth a try.

The Prince's Trust (as it is called) welcomed me with open arms and nursed me through those crucial early months, guiding me through the mid stages with helpful courses and encouragement. It was now up to me, only I could give Revisiontime life and I wasn't about to give up on her now.

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