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GoodbyeSpam Spam Blocker Email Spam Filter works with Hotmail, IMAP, Juno, MSN, POP3, 30-day Free Trial


Matt Wendt, Jeffrey Bagdon and Rick Beskin, founders of Innovative Technology Solutions, Virignia Beach, VA are the force behind the Goodbyespam spam filter system

My name is Matt Wendt and I have been in the computer industry since 1991. I owned and operated an ISP in the middle and late 90’s and have been supporting corporate networks and computers my entire career. The reason you continue to upgrade and replace your computer is always the same. You want it to be faster, easier and more productive. The one thing that seemed to be a constant hindrance to those using computers, especially EMAIL, has been UCE (unsolicited commercial email) or SPAM. Every morning when you turn on your computer you have to sift through anywhere from 20 to a 100 or more SPAM emails just to find your actual email. Most of those emails contain explicit graphics, scams and even viruses.

My customers were always asking me how to stop the SPAM. So I set out to find a reasonable solution. Everywhere I looked, the solution was a SPAM filter which in most cases is a program you download and install on your computer. The filters were able to catch and quarantine a lot of the spam. But there were some problems that basically made the filters useless. First, the software slowed down their computers. Second, the Spammers got their own filters and after some testing, learned to modify their spam so it would through the filters unscathed. And third, the real problem, good emails sometimes get filtered out and placed in your junk folder. This defeated the whole purpose, because you have to constantly go to your junk folder and read through your SPAM to make sure didn’t miss any good emails.

I continued my research and found a new technology called Challenge Response. This technology maintains a simple white and black list of email senders. These lists are built as you receive email. If someone sends you an email that is on neither list, they are challenged with an instant email asking them to verify that they are a real person sending you this email. Once they verify, their message is sent and they are added to your white list. And because most SPAM comes from illegitimate email addresses and automated systems, these challenges are never replied thus blocking those emails from ever getting to your computer. Since using this technology is simple and effective I searched for some solutions and was can upon a program called

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