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Alexander Technique in Oakland with Constance Clare-Newman. Lessons, Classes, Workshops.


Constance Clare
Berkeley CA
US 94704


Our bodies are designed for easy, well-coordinated movement. Either collapsing or holding too much muscular tension interferes with our inherent structural integrity and can lead to movement that is awkward and inefficient, eventually causing discomfort or pain. Excess tension and slumped posture become so habitual that we do not even notice it; our capacity for energy, delight, and grace gives way to effort, strain and fatigue.

The Alexander Technique doesn't "fix" you, assign exercises, or tell you what to think. It teaches you to bring more practical intelligence to what you are already doing. It encourages you to choose your own goals—and gives you a better use of yourself while you work toward them.

The Alexander Technique penetrates to the center of what it means to be human. Through the Technique, students come to know themselves at deeper and more subtle levels. Once you see how you habitually react to life, you notice your patterns even as they arise. By applying the principles of the Alexander Technique, you will discover new choices in your responses to life. You will move out of the automatic toward a more conscious and flexible way of being.

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