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Carrot Innovations | News


Carrot Innovations, previously known as Carrot Utilities is based in Los Gatos, CA, smack dab in the Silicon Valley. Nope, we're not publicly traded yet, but we will someday...

The company was started back in 1992 with the one employee... A dorky 13 year old 8th grader who wanted to write games. Inspired by the adventure games of Sierra Online, this 13 year old set out to learn C++, and be the youngest kid ever to make a kick ass game. And what was this game about? A little rabbit named Fuzzy who set out to find his stolen carrots (Ok, so I... I mean HE was sort of a freak ass 13 year old). Unfortunately (or fortunatetly), this failed miserably

Then, out came the revolutionary game DOOM by ID software (great game by the way). Browsing the Internet one day, I (ok, I was the 13 year old kid, i admit it) came across specs for DOOMs .wad file format. Since there were no level editors around at that point, I set out to make one myself. The final product was a little program called DTEDIT which was released as freeware. Unfortunately, I got grounded (I was unable to use my computer for a LONG time), and was unable to continue my work. On being released from my grounding, a new editor, I think it was DEU or something like that, had surpassed and totally wiped out my program (ah well, no hard feelings)

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Carrot Innovations
Monte Sereno California
United States 95030
(408) 395-3885

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