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The BTO UserGroup FAQ

Description started as an idea being kicked around the "" and "" newsgroups in Oct/Nov 2000. Thinking back, it's quite funny as we all knew that a FAQ had to be written, and that someone would have to do it! Then someone (I think it was Sean Dillon - could anyone confirm this?) posted a list of about a dozen questions which acted as the catalyst. With encouragement from the likes of Graeme Mafarlane and Peter Zelnik, plus the first "real submission" of an article from David Madge, coupled with the fact that I was between contracts, the FAQ was born!

A decision was taken from the start, that the FAQ (which was designed to support the newsgroups) would be better as a site rather than a list of Q & A's regularly posted, as this would enhance flexibility. As the FAQ has grown, this decision has proved correct.

Originally hosted on the user allocated web-space at btinternet, was officially launched on 27 December 2000, with Mark Bushell donating the domain name the following day. Version 2.00 of which you are now reading was launched a little over six months later.

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