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AMF Productions | Independent Filmmaking in Fresno


I always wanted to make movies because...well, it sounded fun. The challenge, the excitment, the resulting satisfaction when it's all done, and most importantly the opportunity to relate stories and experiences with other people. I've had a camera in my hand pretty much since I was eight years-old. In those days my films concerned my little sister and a dissappearing act, and to a lesser extent my stuffed animals. Somewhere along the way I lost interest. I wanted to be a fireman instead, or actually, strangely enough, I think it was an astronomer. But I was reinspired in 2000 by a genre of short films called "fan films," which originated on the internet. These are short films, usually spin-offs or parodies, that are based upon an existing Hollywood movie.

After purchasing a digital camcorder and learning a lot about firewire technology, desktop editing software, and not to mention watching a lot of movies...myself, Andrew Isaac, Jared Marshall, Gavin Ng, Brian Kirkpatrick and John Tapley were ready to start AMF Productions. In April 2001 things started to get rolling. We were assigned a video project for our English class. Our mission: produce a short video clip based on a book read during the school year. Simple enough, but we saw this as our chance to make something amazing; not just any old video project, but an actual movie.

"Macshaft" was our first short film, so to speak, a 'fan film' based on the movie "Shaft" and the Shakespearian tragedy "Macbeth." Our classmates seemed to like it and so did we. But this was only the beginning. Since then we've produced upwards of 25 films and video projects in and around the Fresno area. And we aren't done yet...



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