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Title - Assisting Amerasians and their Fathers' Reunite


We are an organization dedicated to assisting Amerasians and their Father’s reunite. Our services are free to principals searching for lost family. We are not aligned with any group, governmental agency or cause. Our Only function is the reunification of families. Our primary focus is Vietnamese Amerasians, however, we will assist any child fathered by a member of the United States Armed Services, or a person working for the U.S. Government outside of the United States. All funds donated to the Network are used in direct support of the activities of the Network. This organization is run by a group of dedicated Non-governmental volunteers both in and outside the United States.

In 1992 our founder, Brian Hjort, traveled from his family home in Denmark to visit the Amerasian Camps in Viet Nam. While there he was approached by an Amerasian for assistance in locating his American father. Thus Brian began a ten year odyssey. A cause had been born and with his own money and small donations from friends he carried on the work. Brian networked with anyone who was interested in the cause of reuniting Amerasians with their American father’s and families. He traveled the U.S. by Greyhound bus in search of father’s and resources. At the same time, in Viet Nam, Brian’s friend, Hung searched for Amerasians whose father’s were looking for them. Hung has worked faithfully with Brian for last ten years.

Without their efforts, this organization could not have functioned on an effective level. Hung does this work at some personal risk to himself. In the Spring of 2002 two more people joined Brian in his efforts: a two-tour Viet Nam Veteran from South Carolina who served as a Vietnamese Interpreter in Viet Nam; and a seasoned Investigator working for a Law Enforcement Agency in Southern California. In August of 2002 a former Private Investigator, who was on the staff of the the Oregon Education Association as well as other National Education Association Affiliates for twenty years, joined the team. In October of 2002 the first woman, an Assistant Executive at one of Del Webb’s Property’s in Northern California, joined the team.

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Scarab Media
United States 97504

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