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Praise Weekly - Praise and Worship Blog for the Not So Gifted

Praising Weekly is an Impossible Task. I need "Praise and Worship for Dummies" book.

"I see that you really enjoy music, don't you? Oh, yah, don't you play guitar too? Why don't you start leading praise on Sundays?" This is how I started leading praise at my church. Since then, I have been leading praise and have been in a worship band for more than 10 years. What I have found, as a non-professional and not so musically gifted, praising weekly is just an impossible task.

I started leading praise with just a guitar and a piano and ,oh boy, have we changed a lot for last 10 years! With the start of Vineyard's new sound in late 80's, it has been getting more and more challenging to keep up with the latest sound and trends especially for a person like me, another not so gifted "Worship Leader".

Though the spirituality of the church has nothing to do with what kind of praise band it has, I have to admit that the power of music at church definitely brings people to another dimension in their spiritual journey.

Now I am playing electric guitar for our band and am in a back seat supporting them. Those younger guys are more in tune with the modern worship and more skillful with their instruments. In Praise Weekly, I would like to share my personal thoughts about praise and worship in a small local church setting. In a more practical note, I will share with you my weekly struggles and maybe breakthroughs.

You may refer Praise Weekly as "Praise and Worship for Dummies" site. No need to understand music theory nor to know how to read music nor you don't need to have Chris Tomlin's voice because I don't. I can't. But don't get me wrong though. Those are very excellent skills and knowledges that you should not ignore or neglect. If you have them, praise God and you are well qualified than others, like me. If you are just asked to lead praise and don't know where to start, Praise Weekly might be the place for you.

I will be posting some tips and lessons and I am praying that you will get something out of them. I struggle to live the way God teaches me daily. I won't be preaching about how to live a Christian life here. It will immensely impossibles for me to even talk about spiritual life since I am struggling with the same issues that you have.

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