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scarleteen - sex education for the real world


Excerpted from the website:

There is every evidence that most in-school sex education is not working.

According to SIECUS, "To date, six studies of abstinence-only programs have been : published. None of these studies found consistent and significant program effects on delaying the onset of intercourse, and at least one study provided strong evidence that the program did not delay the onset of intercourse. Thus, the weight of evidence indicates that these abstinence-only programs do not delay the onset of intercourse. A study of 7,326 seventh and eighth graders in California who participated in an abstinence-only program found that the program did not have a measurable impact upon either sexual or contraceptive behaviors. Nearly two-thirds of teenagers think teaching "Just Say No" is an ineffective deterrent to teenage sexual activity." A recent, congressionally-approved study of students using both abstinence-based and comprehensive sex education showed that students in the abstinence-only programs were no more likely to delay sexual intercourse and had similar numbers of sex partners at the same ages. That's a pretty big waste of hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars for abstinence-programs and a federal ban (per funding) for comprehensive sex ed.

While we at Scarleteen do not hold to the notion that telling young adults to just go have sex is a better solution, we strongly feel that belying judgment and furnishing them with the facts they need to know REGARDLESS of whether or not they are sexually active readies them to learn to make their own choices, and that often unheard perspectives help develop their own systems of ethics and values when combined with the perspectives of peers, schools, parents, other mentors and their overall culture and communities. One cannot make a decision from a position of informed consent without actually being informed.
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