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Naresh Jain


Naresh Jain is a Hands-on geek, entrepreneur...struggling to stay up-to-date with technology & process innovation.

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Additional Information

Director, Asia Operations & Agile Coach @ Industrial Logic

From Organizational Transformation to enhanced Developer productivity, Naresh helps organizations embrace, scale and sustain essential Agile and Lean thinking.

Currently, Naresh spends a large portion of his time evangelizing and building Industrial Logic's eLearning platform. His current leadership role demands that he performs various critical roles including understanding market needs, prioritizing & designing solutions, collaborating on marketing & sales strategy, hands-on development (coding & testing) and finally deploying & managing the production servers.

This experience gives Naresh a holistic (business, technology and people) view of software product development. It helps him appreciate the challenges of building a large, multi-technology, high performing software solution. This opportunity has helped Naresh stay hands-on and continue to lead the Agile Software development movement. (He is a strong proponent of eating his own dog food and walking his talk.)

Naresh founded the following Agile Communities:

In recognition of his accomplishments, in 2007 the Agile Alliance awarded Naresh with the Gordon Pask Award for contributions to the Agile Community.


"Naresh is arguably the ONLY agile evangelist and coach who is also a coder and tester (at least I think so - I haven't met any one else with similar credentials). A hands-on techie, Naresh can expose the fundamental problems in your organizations and is always willing to engage with your development teams at an execution level. A world-class consultant (without the packaging of consulting types), Naresh is a no nonsense agile coach. Strongly recommended for Agile/XP, TDD, Refactoring, OOAP and Design Patterns training." -- Manoj Kumar, Senior Director, Misys India

"It was my pleasure to work with Naresh on various projects at ThoughtWorks. Naresh is the model for an Agile coach: An excellent blend of idealism and practicality, enthusiasm and empathy, technologist and teacher. People who work with him instantly connect with Naresh. He quickly gains their trust and respect, enabling him to effect greater change. I've seen few people able to have such an impact on development organizations." -- John Spens, Market Principal, ThoughtWorks, Inc

"Naresh is ridiculously smart, humble and charismatic. Working with him at Directi, reading his blog and hearing him speak at numerous conference has had a profound impact on the way I think about software development. He combines vast technical experience, humor, patience and passion to bring out the best in individuals in teams. While most people would have difficulty providing guidance to a variety of different teams and personalities, Naresh thrives at it. He's really, really good at facilitating "Aha!" moments and questioning underlying assumptions. In short, Naresh is awesome, and you want him on your team." -- Amit Klein, Product Manager, Directi

"I come away from the Product Discovery Workshop having learned a great deal about the process and equally about many strategies and nuances of facilitating it. Invaluable!

Naresh clearly has extensive experience with the Product Discovery Workshop. He conveys the principles and practices underlying the process very well, with examples from past experience and application to the actual project addressed in the workshop. Naresh's ability to quickly relate to the project and team members, and to focus on the specific details for the decomposition of this project at the various levels (goals/roles, activities, tasks), is remarkable and a good example for those learning to facilitate the workshop. Key take-aways for me include the technique of acceptance criteria driven decomposition or mapping, and the point that it is useful to map existing software to provide a baseline framework for future additions." -- Doug Brophy, Agile Expert, GE Energy

"Rarely have I met a trainer who was truly hands-on. The depth of knowledge and on-field experience of Naresh Jain is truly inspiring. His proficiency in agile techniques and TDD is bleeding edge. We have benefitted immensely in barely three days of TDD training with him. We wish he was on our team here in EMC2." -- Vimal Kumar, Principal Software Engineer, EMC2

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